Membership Form

Apply for Membership

Use the form below to apply online or download a PDF Application Form.

    Your Details


    Membership Details

    Annual Ordinary membership: AUD $60.00
    Annual Youth membership: AUD $25.00
    Annual Friend of QWASI membership: AUD $30.00

    Annual Ordinary membership HALF YEAR: AUD $30.00
    Annual Youth membership HALF YEAR: AUD $12.50
    Annual Friend of QWASI membership HALF YEAR: AUD $15.00

    I wish to apply for*:

    Your Work

    You may upload a brief CV and 3 or more samples of your art in the one document.
    Accepted file types are PDF, DOC, DOCX and RTF. Please limit file size to 2MB or less

    Additional comments or qualifications:

    Rules and By-Laws

    All members must read and agree to abide by the Model Rules, Member By-Laws, and Reference Material and Copyright terms which can be found here.

    To ensure you have read the rules and by-laws, please answer the following questions. Correct answers are required to proceed.

    Which statements reflect the Aims and Objectives of our Society?

    To create artwork in various mediums and styles reflecting Wildlife art:

    To pursue excellence in Wildlife Art (being both flora and fauna):

    Members are not encouraged to observe wildlife in their own habitat:

    Artwork Requirements: True or False

    All work is to be framed at a professional level with appropriate cord/wire and D rings ready for hanging:

    The artist is the sole creator of the work submitted and there are no copyright breaches:

    Artwork may contain natural animal objects:

    Photographic Reference Material: True or False

    I am allowed to use any photographs I like including from websites such as and :

    I can only use photographs I have taken myself or have gained written permission for exclusive use of, and they are not published either in print or on the internet: